Monday, January 12, 2004

In Memory of Mike


Morning weigh-in: 181.5#, 15% body fat (not bad, considering it was a "bad behavior" weekend)

Work, spinning (tougher tonight than last week, but I was tired), bike brakes may need new parts, yadda yadda, here's what I've really been up to: this is a photo album I'm putting together for my friend Mike's fiancee, shots I had of various bike/outdoorsy things from the early nineties plus some photos my brother sent me. (That's a photo of him before a ride in Jim Thorpe, September of 1993. Mike passed away in December, here's a recent post about him.)

This just started out as me putting some photos on a disk, but one of my (more minor) pet peeves is finding old photos that no one can answer questions about, so I thought I'd include comments to make them understandable 20 years from now, and so I thought web pages would be a good way to go even if it ends up on a disk, then I thought I'd make an index/thumbnail page, then I decided write a script to automate the process, a little finger exercise...

In other words, the project snowballed, and the thing I was really doing (put pictures on a disk) got pushed to the background, but I now have most of it in rudimentary form, ready to be polished and finished. Take a look, let me know what you think (whoever you may be) and try my comments link at the bottom of the post... Personally, I'm a little disappointed. I wish I had more photos, and wish I could say more about each.

UPDATE: I get my comment capability via BlogSpeak, and they're in some dispute with their own host, so comments are down for now, oh well... by the way, I won't be keeping the photo album online for too too long, so if you got here via permalink don't be surprised if it's broken.

UPDATE #2: Comments are back up, thanks to HaloScan.

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