Found It!
Morning weigh-in: 177#, 11% BF
Ever go to sleep with the radio on, and wake up to hear some totally amazing song? I'm sure I've heard plenty of songs this way, but in my life there were three songs, first heard in the middle of the night like that, that really stood out. The first was Led Zeppelin's "Heartbreaker/Living Loving Maid," the second was "In the Congo" by the Bongos, and the third was this crazy song, sounded like some heavy-metal parody of the Batman theme, and they were singing things like "Birdbrain rules the world! Birdbrain wrote Das Capital, Wealth of Nations..." I was still half asleep when the DJ said it was Allen Ginsberg singing -- wow, no way, what a crazy dream...
Anyway, I googled it the other day, found that it actually was a song, written by Allen Ginsberg and sung by him circa 1980, with the Colorado punk band The Gluons playing backup. I actually found a few albums for sale, mostly box sets etc, but no downloadable MP3's. I can't listen to it -- yet -- but at least I know it exists.