Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, November 07, 2010
You Know Who Else Came Home To Roost? Hitler, That's Who!
The crows didn't bring it with them I'm sure, but it all did come back at the same time: my skin is raw and itchy again, and to top it off my ankle started to hurt the other day... I suspect that both are related to flying around (sitting in cramped quarters for hours), and clambering around inside boilers (and being exposed to whatever is in there, like itchy insulation etc), which is what the rest of last week looked like.
Pretty good trip though, business- and engineering-wise it worked out fine, and the traveling was uneventful except for a baggage snafu right at the end -- but they delivered my bag the next day, on the porch by about 8:00 AM.
This Friday I had off, and we slept in (as best we could, with baggage guys knocking on the door), then just hung out at home. This was our first weekend with (mostly) nothing on the agenda, so aside from some chores & errands our time was our own. Anne got some apple butter started, I got a pot roast going, and we bottled the yarrow beer (2 gallons, about 20 bottles) & kegged the porter (5 gallons). We went to Brew Works after dinner, but we only stayed for one; on the way home was when my ankle started hurting -- Anne noticed I was limping too.
Saturday was more of the same, though our kitchen scene this time was us getting ready for a dinner party. We started the day with a run, which quickly devolved into a walk as my ankle started complaining, did some stuff around the house, and then got things ready for dinner -- we had Scott S over, plus Mark & Melinda, some old friends of Anne & Scott who'd relocated back into the area, and their kids -- the bunch of them were all neighbors together, once upon a time in Nazareth. Salad, squash soup, spicy sesame noodles (spaghetti for the kids), bread and apple butter, and a whole bunch of desserts. Very fun.
Today Anne and I went on a nice long road ride, which felt a lot longer because it was a breezy (OK, windy) day. No ankle problems, thank goodness. It was beautiful out despite the wind: a perfect, brisk, sunny fall day.
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11/07/2010 04:06:00 PM