Morning weigh-in: 164#, 9%
"It looks a lot like engine oil
And tastes like being poor and small
And Popsicles, in summer." -- Neko Case, "Deep Red Bells"
Worked late last night, then went to yoga. Came in early this morning, and I'm leaving at the regular time to go directly to the gym; dinner tonight will be at Christian's Spring Hotel again -- I got the call last night, some Which Brew regulars were planning a get-together there. I'll still probably go there on Saturday as well, but I also got a text from a friend, inviting me to check out a band at her bar that night as well -- I have a feeling there may be some competition for the Which Brew crowd, now at loose ends...
"Does your soul cast about, like an old paper bag,
Past empty lots and early graves?" -- Neko Case
"But Technology, alas, braidcrowned and gold-thighed maiden, always comes up for grabs like this."
-- Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow
Not Listening: I haven't listened to her in a while, but the other day I remembered a conversation where I used Neko Case as an example of how rock may not be dying, but it sure is calcified because the current best musical talent seems to have abandoned it. That conversation was with Jason, another WB semi-regular -- cook there too for a while, as well as at Weyerbacher -- who now hangs out at the newly-refurbished Colonial Spaghetti House. Hmmm, note to self...
"All talk of cause and effect is secular history, and secular history is a diversionary tactic."
-- Thomas Pynchon