So Much For The Rest Day
Morning weigh-in: 176#, 10.5% BF
Got an email yesterday from my friend Joe, he wanted to ride at Jacobsburg last night and wondered if I'd join him. My plan was to rest up so I could bike to work today, at most maybe hit the gym. Didn't quite work out.
Fast crowd: Greg M was there on his old hardtail, Rich B was riding his singlespeed, I was on my Turner and Joe was on his brand-new Titus. The 'burg is easy enough to allow a pretty quick pace, but I haven't done anything like that in a while -- not since I used to train with Greg and Joe, as a matter of fact. We maintained a 10.8 mph average, 15 miles in about an hour and a half, not really far but I was spent by the high level of effort (on my part). I hit Taco Hell on the way home, scarfed down my burritos and was in bed by 9:30. I'd already semi-given-up on the bike commute, but still went through the motions of getting ready -- when the alarm went off at 5:00 AM, I gave it my final answer...
Since I reckon my weekly mileage Monday-to-Monday (and this Monday was a long holiday ride), I already have 100 miles for the week, so I'll just do the towpath tonight like I always do on Fridays, get 25 miles instead of 40.
Meantime, check out this beautiful site.