Summer Turning Ponderously In The Sky
Morning weigh-in (Thursday): 178#, 10.5% BF
Morning weigh-in (Friday): 177#, 12.5% BF
Well, here it is: the Fourth of July weekend is upon us, half the summer is now past...
Rode J'burg on the singlespeed last night, starting with Brian, and Doug & Lori on the tandem, then we lost brian, then it was just me, then I ran into Lee, Marvin (Lee Marvin! Ha Ha! get it?), and Keith, who of course were hammering along. Also saw Rich B, back from Canada and riding with his girlfriend's son Romaine. We all (w/ exception of Rich & Romaine) ended up hanging at the lot, then D&L and I went to Brian's for some pizza and to try out his new picnic table. Greg M stopped by, rode over on his motorcycle.
Tonight, if the weather holds, I'll be doing a Towpath/Sals ride, otherwise it's a gym night, then off to Which Brew -- word is, the new Mug Club mugs have finally arrived...
Listening: Yes's Close to the Edge, Stan Ridgeway's greatest hits CD (both solo work & w/ Wall of Voodoo), Songs That Made This Country Great.