Saturday, November 26, 2005

Do You Know What I Know?

It's the weekend, there's no morning weigh-in on the weekend!

Oh, The Embarrassment: I had Thanksgiving dinner at my friend Brian's mom's house. Big group, Brian's sister and her family, some friends & relatives, etc. Anyway, dinner gets going, and I ate something wrong, got mega-whacked with food allergies (something cooked with peanut oil?): my throat swelled up, couldn't swallow, almost couldn't breathe -- I ended up puking in the kitchen sink. Brian's asking me "dude, you need to go to the hospital?" and I'm like "uh, maybe..." I recovered in time for dessert, but they'll be talking about me for the next 20 years. (Brian's poor mom didn't know what to do, or what to think. I told him as we left "Well, I think I made a good impression!") First time I've ever been hungry on Thanksgiving night... Seriously, that was my worst food incident in more than a decade, I think I'll be getting an epi-pen to carry with me from now on.

Other Stuff: Ride! Ride! Ride! (and Walk): Wednesday night I hit the gym for a leg workout, then walked down to Which Brew. Fantastic night: great crowd, lotsa honeys and the band was rocking. Doug & Lori and also Eric & Kris stopped in after dinner at Porters. Thursday morning was a pre-turkey ride at Jacobsburg, with a light dusting of snow on the ground. Singlespeed ride, but I also rode to/from the 'burg, so I got probably in a 40-mile ride on the singlespeed. Later that evening... (see above).

Friday I led a group ride from Genesis, starting first with Breakfast at Coffee Works on the way. There were five of us who rode to Bethlehem, but another fifteen were waiting at Sand Island, and we all went to ride at Sals. Awesome ride there, then came the ride back to Easton -- only three of us left for this -- and then back home, another 40 miles. Naptime, shower, then I went out again, hoofing it down to Which Brew. Crowded again, but I didn't like either the crowd or the band quite as much, left almost immediately. I stopped in at Porters on the way home, but stuck my head in and saw that if anything it was even more crowded and annoying, turned right around and continued home.

Today was the gym, leg workout again, and following a little bike repair I'll be heading to Which Brew -- again on foot, I kind of like walking through town on a cold night -- to see my friend Heath do his "DJ Heath" thing. I think I'll skip riding tomorrow, maybe do a short hike up in the Poconos.

Reading, Hearing: I'm re-reading Elmer Gantry, not sure why because it's kind of boring (Arrowsmith was way better), but the beginning is pretty good, and has one of the best opening sentences ever: "Elmer Gantry was drunk." I'll just read until it's no longer fun, I already know how it turns out... I just got to the part where he gets love-bombed at a revival meeting, singing all those religious songs, and converts, strange parallels to all the Xmas music now blasting everywhere. Said the little lamb to the mighty king...

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Another County Heard From

Morning weigh-in: 179.5#, 11.5% BF

Here's another blog I like: Mimi Smartypants. I sometimes feel like I know her and her family, almost like For better or For Worse (the comic strip), always happy to stop by and see what's going on... until I read this post. Now I just feel dirty.

Well, hitting the gym tonight, then seeing the Foolz at Which Brew. Tomorrow is the Thanksgiving ride, followed by turkey dinner with my good friend Brian's family. (He'd heard I was solo and graciously invited me, saying "now you can see my family at its most dysfunctional." Thanks Brian, and readers: stay tuned!) Friday will be my Black Friday ride, which I'm leading for Genesis Bicycles, and the weekend is still a long way away.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! By the way, here's an article about one of my heroes.

-- Linky McLinkerson

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I've Got Something To Say

And that is, that this guy makes me laugh. Out loud.

Adding A Little Color To The Play-By-Play

Morning weigh-in: 181#, 11% BF (stupid Taco Bell!)

Not much to say, was going to add some affect to the previous post, which seemed somewhat flat emotionally. Instead, I'll just say: I was very glad (relieved, more like) to get back to the gym, and I've been messing around with the tar program lately, among other things. Didn't seem like the kind of thing you could delve into, but it's pretty deep if you want it to be...

Dropped off the car last night, then hit physical therapy, then home to eat healthy (baked stuffed tofu, saurkraut & a big salad) and finish the laundry -- then came the midnight chalupas, dang...

Monday, November 21, 2005

And It Was Good

Morning weigh-in: 177#, 12.5% BF

Fairly mellow weekend, to wit:

Friday night I walked downtown to Which Brew, had a small dinner plus some Allagash white, good time but I was home by midnight -- considering my pedestrian status, I must have left pretty early even though the band (Midnight Shift) was rocking.

Saturday started with the car-rental rigamarole (actually it started with some very-early-morning computer tomfoolery), then came the gym, Nature's Way, and Genesis Bicycles, and then I went down to my parents for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner. Pretty nice, saw my brother & his family, as well as Mom & Dad & my uncle Pat. The drive home was the Carnival of Stupid though, many, many idiots out on the roads, doing foolish and dangerous things.

Sunday was a ride at Allamuchy: me, Brian, Bob, Greg, and Bob's friend Jim. We went about 14 miles, took about four hours all told, serious technical trails. Karen skipped out of studying long enough to get in a short ride of her own; she met us at the trailhead to join us for lunch. Once I got home, it was time for the typical "Sunday Nap And Laundry" regimen.