Morning weigh-in: 175#, 10.5% BF
Beautiful weekend, which started with a quiet Friday night at home, continued with a long, gruelling, and very fun "adventure ride" in Jim Thorpe, followed by a fun night on the town, and ended yesterday with a very pleasant visit by from parents. I posted the ride photos on Flickr, as well as saved photos from my old cell phone, and I'll be working on yesterday's photos tonight, so enjoy what I put up, and stay tuned for more!
Strangely enough, one of my cell phone pics -- a lo-fi shot of some Iron Pigs home game -- is now a runaway hit, with 41 views since I posted it late last night.
Skin Situation: Almost normal. I think the sunlight does it more good than any other therapy except a steroid pack. My legs cleared up dramatically (not counting scratches from brambles and other mishaps) after Saturday's "Seven Hours In The Sun" ride, and the feet, after spending yesterday in sandals, have improved as well.
Get Back In The Boat! I had to do some MTO stuff for work last week, so I decided to dust off that MTO program I wrote last year, and compare how its results stacked up against the official take-off. Unfotunately, it turned out that I'd lost interest in the program last year, after deciding to modify it. I'd changed a bunch of things partway, rendering it unusable, but never finished the change; the program basically spouted gibberish. I was able to fix it, or at least undo the unfinished upgrade. My results: pretty much in line with expected results, and I saved the latest working in case I ever need it again.
Tonight if it's nice enough, I'll be doing a towpath ride with Anne; otherwise it's yoga: tomorrow will be a rainy day, perfect for the gym.