Slack-Jawed, Not Much To Say
Morning weigh-in: 176#, 11.5% BF
The meeting was interesting last night, mainly because there really was no meeting, just a dinner and some watching of the Tour.
"The Daily Spew" is just a place where I can leave news for friends and family. It's probably boring even for them; your mileage may vary but you *have* been warned...
Morning weigh-in: 176#, 11.5% BF
The meeting was interesting last night, mainly because there really was no meeting, just a dinner and some watching of the Tour.
Posted by
7/22/2004 01:20:00 PM
Morning weigh-in: 174.5#, 13.5% BF
Worked late, then picked up the Turner from Bike King: new Hope brake lever on the right side, some new chainrings & a general once-over, plus a new cycle computer. Looks good! I lubed it last night, as well as cleaning and lubing the road bike.
The Wilderness 101 is Saturday. Yesterday and today are rest days, then Thursday and Friday (which is also a travel day) are "easy workout" days -- this according to the precepts of Consistent Winning, which I think is a crock of rich chocolatey goodness but it's the only system I know.
After the bikes were ready I went to WB for a quick dinner. Ran into Joe G, and feel I would have been happier to have stayed home; I certainly don't regret our parting of ways.
And of course, tonight is the Chain Gang meeting.
Posted by
7/21/2004 12:05:00 PM
Morning weigh-in: 174.5%, 12.5% BD
Rode last night, did the "benchmark" ride. I really need to get a new cycle computer, find out what my actual distance is with this, so I can start using it as a benchmark again.
(This is called "the benchmark ride" because that's how I used to use it: a very well-defined course of about 25 miles, that I could compare day-to-day fitness on by checking my ride times. I started using it back when I lived on Southside, but when I moved I had to change parts of the route so "benchmarking" sort of lapsed, since results were no longer directly comparable. I moved years ago though, so I should just consider the new route the standard, and start over with the benchmarking.)
Anyway, my time was 1:25 for probably 24 miles. Not bad, since some of this is city riding (lights, traffic etc). I felt really good, smooth and fast, almost effortless when I got on top of the right gear -- some of those roads have recently been resurfaced.
Dinner was the rest of that leftover Chinese food (crispy beef in orange sauce), then after the ride I had some baked stuffed tofu, plus a little saurkraut. Ran around, did some shopping afterward, hit Wal-Mart for velcro tape and played with the blood pressure machine: 121/76, with a pulse rate of 91. Pulse was elevated by riding, I wonder if pressure is the same? I once was 100/60, but my resting heart rate was 52 at the time...
This morning I did something I haven't done in a while: got up early and made breakfast. Coffee, oatmeal with blueberries, should do that more often!
I pick up the bike today from Bike King, where it was getting some stuff done that I didn't feel like doing myself, I may do a short easy ride to check it out. From the office window, today looks beautiful.
Posted by
7/20/2004 11:50:00 AM
Morning weigh-in: 174.5#, 11.5% BF
Kernel Panic: built the new 2.6.7 kernel, but forgot everything I learned on the "training run" building 2.4.26 -- mainly, I forgot to make sure there was RAM disk support. (I need that for the initrd image, which I need for treating the CD-RW as a SCSI device, which I need for ... ) The new kernel's makefile has a generic "make install" which is pretty nice, does a bit more of the actual "put the files where they're supposed to be, with the proper names" part of the install. Anyway, a quick look back at this entry got me what I needed, and the kernel booted OK ...except the mouse didn't respond, and I got some kind of error that the mousedev module couldn't be found (among a bunch of other modprobe errors). So, I'm still using 2.4, and some further research/tweaking is required.
Meanwhile: No exercise, or anything else really, yesterday. I did some laundry and played with the computer, ate some Chinese food on the way to the supermarket, but blew off shopping after eating. Currently re-reading A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again and the Silmarillion.
Dept of good news/bad news: Theresa is now working part time at Weyerbacher Brewery, for a few hours on Saturdays when they have tours. That is, tours with free samples -- uh oh! Just when I was really planning to watch my weight...
Posted by
7/19/2004 12:11:00 PM
Well, looks like the rain has stopped, but I'm already in "lazy mode" today. Dinner with T last night (we walked to WB, after walking to Wordell's and not really liking the menu). Also: ran for the first time in a while yesterday, two miles before working out at the gym. Really, really slow: about 24 minutes, but it was hot and I was no way going to push it.
Linux: got the latest 2.6 kernel, ran "make menuconfig" and should be ready to build it. Maybe today? But in the meantime, there's laundry and shopping and generic housework awaiting...
Posted by
7/18/2004 03:20:00 PM