Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow, Right Here In Christmas City!

Monocacy Creek
Originally uploaded by donXfive.
That's a shot I took today, while walking from Anne's house over to Main Street to meet her at Wired Cafe. The Monocacy (and the original Moravian settlement, aka the "Colonial Industrial Area") divides her neighborhood from that part of town. It was a beautiful snowy day, so I brought the camera along...

Later, I walked over to Southside for an Eskandalo haircut, but the snow had turned to rain and that wasn't so beautiful. Still, the ground is now white and it definitely that "Christmas In Merrie Olde England" look that Bethlehem can get.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Time Flies

Anne and I were walking the other day and for some reason Mike Kucher came up, some story or other, and I was trying to figure out how long it was since he'd passed away. Well here's the old blog to the rescue, because I wrote about it back when it happened, or rather just afterward. Hard to believe, but it's been 5 years. (More about Mike here and here.)

I mentioned Mike's "Cancer-Free For 5 Years" party in that December 2003 post, saying it was two years earlier; that would make the party seven years ago, or the summer of 2001 -- the same summer we (the Chain Gang) went to Downieville, which seems like a long time ago, but nowhere near as long ago as that party...

That party was at Danny M's house, and was probably the last time I saw him and his family, whom I hadn't seen for probably five years before that -- they had four kids including a teenager, and before that I remember her mostly as an infant... I wonder how they're doing now, he was a seriously loyal GM engineer for as long as I've kept in touch.

An Amusing Incident At A Long-Ago Party: At Danny's party for Mike, some totally unfamiliar young woman walks up and, pointing her very pregnant belly at me, says "Hi! Remember me?" Gaaaa!

Turns out it was Steve S's younger sister (name escapes me once again, though I remember older sister Elena), married for a year or two, and expecting their first child, and looking very different from the last time I saw her.

By the way, this is what I wrote around this time in 2004, ditto 2005, and 2006, and 2007. A retrospective, haven't done one of those in a while.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Well It's A Start

The winter's tale
Originally uploaded by ChickadeeD (Carole).
We got a little more snow last night, nothing to speak of though -- the grass is white but that's about it. I posted a picture of the falling snow, but this photo isn't it, just something interesting I saw...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas Vacation!

Well, I'm done with work for the rest of this year, not going back until January 5th. Sweet1 I don't really have any plans, maybe ride Sals on the singlespeed tomorrow morning then play on the computer, set the pattern for the rest of the week... Anne's working, so I don't feel like, say, making travel plans anyway

The Turner is in the bike shop, getting the front brakes worked on, I've got octave up and running (and playing nicely with emacs & gnuplot) and my next task -- upgrading the home computer -- is on schedule. Things are pretty mellow right now, and except for Christmas shopping, I really have nothing to do...