Pow! Welcome Back
Morning weigh-in (Wednesday): 182.5#, forgot BF
Morning weigh-in (Thursday): 182#, 9% BF
The Which Brew "Anti-Valentine Party" was pretty cool, but not really much of a party, more like the usual Tuesday night at the WB. I had exactly one beer and a turkey sandwich (after coming from the gym), and gained three pounds -- this after eating chili (and having a beer with it) several days in a row, and losing weight earlier in the week. I must conclude that going to Which Brew & simply breathing the air there is the actual fattening factor...
Last night I went home "early" (ie at the normal time), did a few club-related computer and printing tasks, ran my two mile run, and then went to the Chain Gang meeting. Decent meeting, I think we covered a lot of ground, especially in the areas of trail maintenance and gossip about other clubs.
Tonight is laundry, dinner, the gym, and then grocery shopping while the laundry dries.