Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Car B Gone

Morning weigh-in: 169.5#, 10% BF (a disturbing trend emerges, but I know the cause & cure)

Stuck at home today, at least until the rental company calls me back with a vehicle: it might just be the cold but my car will not start. Battery seems OK, it's more like it's seized up or something, bad bad news but we've been flirting with end-of-life issues for about two years now. I am not a car person, and I still got almost 200,000 miles out of that one while beating the snot out of it -- it's time to move on. I'm researching new cars in another window as we speak -- I am leaning towards another Outback, since I just can't bring myself to like the Honda Element despite its buzz among the outdoorsy types, and its supposed geek appeal. (Geek appeal? Geek appeal?! That thing is butt-ugly.) Not seeing much that I like among the Outbacks either though, only the lame-ass "basic" package seems to be available with manual transmission, and the mileage is pathetic.

Anyway, last night was yoga, then a cool night at Which Brew (as seen in the tale of the tape above). The usual crew: Larry, Bobby & his son Brian, Lou, Lee, a few others including fellow biker (and my yoga teacher's husband) Mike. Saw another Mike there, and apparently I have a new blog reader -- hi Mike! I said I'd pander but sorry I got nothing today.

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