Friday, February 04, 2005

Channeling Susan Sontag

Morning weigh-in: 183#, 11.5% BF

In one of the eulogies for Susan Sontag I read of her habit of going tirelessly from museum to gallery opening to concert etc; last night I sort of emulated her, in a little more lightweight way of course, except for actual weight. I started with the Laurie Anderson show at Zoellner, very good. I was surprised when I saw a friend from Which Brew there, then another -- and another! Some, but not all, were wearing black... Meantime, I was there "with" Eric & Kris, but we arrived separately, sat apart, and we only talked for a bit before/after the show, no retiring to anywhere for post-concert activity.

After the show I went back to Easton, got there in time to got to Which Brew where I expected some up-and-coming local musician -- nothing, and the place was practically empty. I broke down and ordered chili cheese fries, which may explain those weigh-in numbers... The few people in there were going over to Porters, because Maria from Duende was hosting a folkie-type amateur night. I went over too, and it was cool for a bit, but I got there just as Alex (also from Duende) finished a set, and the next few guys weren't my cup of tea. School night, getting close to midnight, went home.

There've been some colds moving through the office, now I think I may have caught one. Maybe sit back this weekend with a copy of Illness as Metaphor -- hope my emulation stays lightweight.

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