Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Drive A Stake Into The River, Cap It With A Bone

Morning weigh-in: 180#, 11% BF

Obligatory Pynchon quote:

"He was my good health," she often says. "Since he passed away I've had to become all but an outright witch, in pure self defense."
Like good old Mrs Quoad, I've been hit with disease, and resorted to a magic cauldron of herbal remedies & potions (teas, oscillococcinum aka "duck sauce," echinacea, vitamin C, etc etc) to hopefully beat it back. That and last night's early bedtime should save me. It's probably just the low humidity messing with my respiratory system -- very cold out, relative indoor humidity at home was 25%, which is bad. (Meanwhile, props to any of my faithful readers who can discover the meaning of this post's title. Hint: they were out of Olympia, and Google probably won't help.) I still feel a little under the weather, respiratory system is stressed out but the "I'm sick" feeling is not there.

Ring out, Solstice Bells!
It's the first day of Winter. Io Saturnalia! "The very bottom of the year," as old T.P. might say. Will probably hit Which Brew for dinner tonight, no workout until I'm sure I have no chest infection. (BTW, I usually have a song stuck in my head when I'm riding. Back in 1998 -- my best year -- I always raced to the instrumental part of "The Whistler.")

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