Sunday, November 28, 2004

Lazy Sunday

No morning weigh-in...

Last night I went with Doug & Lori, also Brian who drove, to see Mitch Hedburg at the Tower Theater in Upper Darby (aka Philly); Eric and Kris also went but drove down separately -- we ate dinner together, and sat tgether as well, so maybe "separately" isn't the right word, but if we wanted to talk to them on the drive down, we had to call... The opening act was Stephen Lynch, comedy singer/songwriter, pretty funny and actually a good musician. Mitch was great at the start and the end of his act, but the middle really sagged, flopsweat so bad it made the audience anxious along with him, and I was left thinking it was deliberate, like some kind of Andy Kaufmann "avant-garde comedy" schtick. Anyway, the shows were good, not superfantastic great, but worth the money and effort to go see them -- not worth another trip though.

Today was a pretty lazy day: woke up to major rain, sacked out until 10:00 before getting up, then playing with the computer. I went out around 1:00 to the Quadrant for some brunch, walked around downtown for a bit -- stopped in the pawn shop, never been there, oogled all the musical instruments -- then came home and read Neuromancer. (I left The Immortal Class at Mom & Dad's, I guess I'll pick up the storyline again at Christmas.) The afternoon was sunny and fairly warm, but I just felt like hanging inside.

I downloaded the Apache webserver earlier, and am now downloading the MySQL database server. Since I already have perl and PHP, I should be able to set up my own LAMP system at home, maybe put in a wiki or something to play with.

UPDATE: I went and saw the Insidious Rays at Which Brew Friday night, and it was the most crowded Iever saw the place. Incredible show, great crowd (hung out with the Kneller Brothers and Carrie the off-duty bartender, also Ed who came in later), lotsa cuties...

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