Saturday, February 14, 2004

Thursday Blogging

Morning weigh-in (Wednesday): 179#, 11.5% body fat
Morning weigh-in (Thursday): 177.5#, 13% body fat

Probably have enough weight, body fat & exercise info in here to do some decent data mining, but that's another day and another project.

I rode the towpath yesterday; it's getting very rideable again. There was some snow ("ice" might be a better term, thought the resorts would call it "packed powder"), which had decent traction and was hard enough to support me, but the dirt was spongy and soaked & had that "springtime soft" feeling. It took me two hours to ride to Bethlehem (I turned around just before the Stefko Boulevard bridge) & back.

Joe called me afterward (& after dinner), said he had some photos from the New Years Day hike, so I met him at Which Brew about 10:00. When I pulled in I saw something moving among the garbage cans down the block: it was a woman, very large and dropsically fat, who was doing an "I've fallen and can't get up." I ran over to see if she was OK, and she sort of said yes, but it was obvious she was extremely drunk, like too drunk to avoid dying of exposure in the gutter, so I called the police from WB. They came about 5 minutes later, and I pointed her out to them. A few minutes after that, we saw an ambulance go by, figure it was her. I hope she was too messed up to remember me, because even though I did her a major favor she might not see it that way...

Work & spinning today, dinner, laundry, a little light blogging, then it'll be bedtime.

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