Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Morning weigh-in: 177.5#, no idea what the BF is because I jumped off the scale...
Hopefully I'll be able to turn over a new leaf, because that number is pretty scary. But... I haven't been to the gym in like two weeks, or yoga or bike or anything else -- one day of riding and one hike while on vacation, and that's pretty much it since the McSorley's trip, and there wasn't too much going on before that either. (Meantime, I've been eating out almost every night for months.) Tonight is the Chain Gang monthly meeting, no real chance to do anything beforehand, but I guess tomorrow I'll have to start getting my act together.
Anyway, here is a little something about my new laptop. Pretty sweet! I was up pretty late with that thing last night, or rather late compared to my more recent bedtimes, and am now paying the price but it was worth it.

UPDATE: I wrote all that at lunchtime today, but "the price" I was paying was not really related to the late night or whatever -- I got pretty sick and took the afternoon off. Spent the day sleeping, no appetite, headache, stomache ache, body aches...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like exhaustion.
It happens to me too, esp no sleep, no exercise.
Lighten up on the lager.
That's a killer too.

Anonymous said...

Nice laptop!

Don said...

Thanks! I'm enjoying it...

Not to worry about the lager, I usually only drink ales! Seriously, I suspect that it was a food allergy, something I ate Tuesday morning, though the late night -- it sounds bad but there were only 2 beers involved -- probably put me closer to that edge I found.