Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hot Hot Hot

Morning weigh-in: 179#, 14% BF
Blood pressure: 120/76, 65 BPM

That Bavarian Pork was OK last night, but not great, mainly because the meat, while soft enough, actually came out a little dry & stringy. Maybe I should fry the meat for a few seconds, to seal in the juices, before putting it in the crock pot; that's what I do for the chili and it seems to work. Meantime, the apples really didn't change anything one way or the other, maybe next time I'll add more. The house smelled pretty good when I got home, but I couldn't eat right away...

Before dinner I took that yoga class. Different instructor, different routines and agenda, I think I like the Saturday class better but it was still pretty good -- mostly it was just a little tougher, and run at a more advanced level. (I also had a surprisingly positive experience with the mental aspects of the exercises in the Saturday class, and there was less of that kind of thing last night.) I think I'm starting to get the hang of some of the routines though, their names, nuances of position and movement, etc. I was pouring sweat in the middle of the tough parts.

Back home, dinner on the porch while finishing William Gibson's Pattern Recognition, and watching the rabbits run around the lawn. Monday night was watching some sparrow/finch-like birds eat grass seed at my feet, last night was rabbits playing, tonight's visitor will be -- what?

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