Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Et tu, Bluto??

Morning weigh-in: 180#, 10% BF (damn you Taco Bell)

Saw on Wikipedia that today is the anniversary of Julius Caesar's assasination, oh wow -- then I realized "Ides of March," oh yeah, duh....

It caught my eye because I'm reading Caesar's The Gallic War as well as The Civil War right now. Picked them both up in the Loeb translation, on that last trip to NYC. Gallic War is better I think, at least so far: it seems better written and it flows a little more smoothly. (Then again, GW was meant as an explanation of a foreign war to people who were maybe not that familiar with it, while CW was meant for an audience that was already familiar with the material, having actually lived through the events described. Reading them both 2000 years later, of course the book with more explanatory material reads better.)

Famous story: Caesar was told by a soothsayer to "beware the ides of March!"
On his way to the Senate he ran into the same seer, said "so the Ides of March have come!" and the seer said "but they have not yet gone!" Everyone talked in exclamations back then. (I got that one out of Plutarch I think.)

Anyway, tonight is the gym, then laundry.

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