Wednesday, September 08, 2004

My Web Page

I think I have it pretty close to ready, so I'm posting my webpage as we speak, FTP'ing the stuff into; it should take another hour, hour and a half to finish.

My plan is eventually to have a series of pages, with 3 columns of stuff on each page: left side for regular navigation on my site, right side for cool links relevant to that particular page, and the middle for content (text, photos etc). The main breakdowns will be: home, Easton, bikes, photos, this blog, and a contact link. I may disable the contact link if I start getting too much spam. I have the skeleton up, and will be fleshing it out as time goes by. I also plan to add comments to my photos, eventually. Except for this blog though, and the start of some galleries, I am really hurting for content.

Once everythng is in place, I'll link my blog to my homepage as well, but right now I'm not sure of my site name, maybe We'll see -- I just tried SSH'ing into my acount, and the file transfers choked, I may not be allowed to do both at once but I'll try it again, find out how to finish the job.

UPDATE: I'm in my shell account, and the file transfers seem no worse for wear, it must have been a fluke or coincidence before...

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