Monday, May 02, 2005

And Now For Your Weekend Update

Morning weigh-in: 177#, 12.5% BF

Friday I got in a quick towpath ride, then met Brian, Rich & Linda, and Doug & Lori for dinner at the Aladdin. Had some kind of kebab-like ground lamb dish (no skewers though), plus the usual hummos, babaganouj, fried cauliflower, fatoush salad, turkish coffee... delicious!

Saturday was back to the gym, with Dawn after not seeing her for three Saturdays. Played catch-up conversationally while lifting, heard that her sister saw a specialist for her vertigo & he found a perforation somewhere in her ear: looks like she might have an answer for her problem and she's pretty happy about that. Maybe I should talk to this guy...

Saturday night was down to Which Brew, where Three Monks were playing and it was waitress Tracy's birthday. She and her boyfriend poured some drinks into me a few weeks ago, thought I'd return the favor... but she was working, and the plan was to go across the street to Porter's after WB closed, and I was too tired to wait that long, let alone start partying at 1:00-2:00 AM, so I slunk home with my tail between my legs like a party-wannabe. Great people though, I'll have to do something nice for them.

Sunday was the first fundraiser at Wal-Mart for the PPRAC Cancer Ride. Four hours on a trainer, cycling away and taking change, with Eric and Kris, Kris's dad Frank, and Doug. Lori joined us later in the day, then Greg & Judy came to help. Not sure how much we raised, probably several hundred dollars.

Stopped over D&L's later in the evening, drilled out my old cleats on my bike shoes. Major effort, wore out some drill bits, went & bought more, wore out a bunch of them too (screws are usually pretty hard steel) but got the job done. Doug made chicken tacos, very tasty -- he wanted to show off a new tequila-lime marinade someone turned him on to.

Bedtime after that. Now today looks good, I may do a singlespeed towpath ride if -- if! -- the weather holds out.

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