More Party Photos
I'm leaving in a few minutes to go to Fred & Lara's "Solstice Party." Should be good.
"The Daily Spew" is just a place where I can leave news for friends and family. It's probably boring even for them; your mileage may vary but you *have* been warned...
Posted by
12/22/2007 06:34:00 PM
Posted by
12/21/2007 11:24:00 AM
Morning weigh-in: 169.5#, 11% BF
Tuesday was my last day of work until 2008, so I went out (on foot) to celebrate... Yesterday I spent most of the day recovering, which meant playing with the computer, walking around town, and riding the Iguana, until it started to rain.
Finally went to Nestors and bought some ski boots. The process was much easier than I would have thought; those guys really are experts and had no problems working with the ankle. I paid for that expertise though: the boots themselves came to about $699, and I also got them fitted, got special insoles, got some work done on those new (to me) skis...
Ah well, the skis were my Christmas present to myself, and "in for a penny, in for a pound," as the saying goes -- the boots should last for a long time, too, through at least a few sets of skis. Meantime, I found out yesterday that the skis I did get usually sell for about $900, so I'm ahead of the game -- and my inner miser can console himself with the fact that this is a drop in the bucket compared to what I'd spend, without batting an eye, on the bike. Of course, actually riding the bike is usually free, unlike Teh Downhill.
Evening yoga (many many back bends), dinner at Which Brew: Caribbean Beef. Tonight is the gym, then back to Which Brew for the re-gifting party. It looks super-nice out, I may go for another ride in a few minutes.
Posted by
12/20/2007 09:57:00 AM
Posted by
12/18/2007 12:23:00 PM
Posted by
12/17/2007 11:48:00 AM
There is apparently a dude in North Jersey who looks just like me, guy by the name of Barry that the Piccatinny crowd knows. I'm constantly hearing "Wow you look so much like him it's uncanny," and in fact I was at a restaurant once in Newton, and as we left, someone knocked on the restaurant window and chased us outside to say hello, thinking I was Barry...
I never met the guy, and everyone involved seems to get a kick out of the fact that we've never been seen together, like Superman and Clark Kent or something. Well I didn't meet him last night either, but I got to the dinner late, and Barry had been there, early, and left only moments before -- I ended up in his seat. The party was upstairs at the Long Valley Pub, where there are two staircases, and apparently he went down one as I was coming up the other. Much chuckling as we figured that out. (If that was a movie, they'd cut that scene as being just too implausible.) Pretty good party overall, too, nice people. Crazy-fun drive there too, Rt 57 then over Schooley's Mountain, via roads that seemed just one step up from dirt.
Which Horseman? Meanwhile, back at the stealth apocalypse... no, the other one.
Anyway, going to deal with the car now (the old one), I pretty much have it towed and sold, just have to go make the final handshake. After that I may go for a walk or a ride, depending on what I find on the ground outside. I might be going to a wake this afternoon: a woman I used to work with (she retired several years ago) passed away Thursday. The viewing is in Rockaway though, and I don't know what road conditions I'm willing to deal with. We'll see.
Posted by
12/16/2007 10:01:00 AM