Thursday, December 20, 2007

Off And Spending Money

Morning weigh-in: 169.5#, 11% BF

Tuesday was my last day of work until 2008, so I went out (on foot) to celebrate... Yesterday I spent most of the day recovering, which meant playing with the computer, walking around town, and riding the Iguana, until it started to rain.

Finally went to Nestors and bought some ski boots. The process was much easier than I would have thought; those guys really are experts and had no problems working with the ankle. I paid for that expertise though: the boots themselves came to about $699, and I also got them fitted, got special insoles, got some work done on those new (to me) skis...

Ah well, the skis were my Christmas present to myself, and "in for a penny, in for a pound," as the saying goes -- the boots should last for a long time, too, through at least a few sets of skis. Meantime, I found out yesterday that the skis I did get usually sell for about $900, so I'm ahead of the game -- and my inner miser can console himself with the fact that this is a drop in the bucket compared to what I'd spend, without batting an eye, on the bike. Of course, actually riding the bike is usually free, unlike Teh Downhill.

Evening yoga (many many back bends), dinner at Which Brew: Caribbean Beef. Tonight is the gym, then back to Which Brew for the re-gifting party. It looks super-nice out, I may go for another ride in a few minutes.


Anonymous said...

Chris & family are coming 12/24 for their Christmas visit- then off to Nance's Tuesday with Tara's family.
Will you be able to be here early Monday afternoon (Tara has work & leaves at 3:30PM) so we have only that early afternoon for dinner & gift exchange as a family.

Don said...

Sure, that works for me! I'll come down in the morning.