Thursday, April 26, 2007


Morning weigh-in (Wednesday): 179#, 10% BF
Morning weigh-in (Thursday): 178#, 11% BF

Wikipedia sez today's the anniverary of the Guernica raid, which reminds me of Picasso's famous painting, and that reminds me of the photo to the right, with Nixon/Reagan/Bush shadow-government supervillain John "You Can't Make An Omelet Without Raping Some Nuns" Negroponte, posing in front of the UN's copy of the mural. You can almost see the spittle forming at the sides of his mouth as he giggles and plans another Abu Ghraib. (That reminds me, the US government has just released this terrorist rather than extradite him. A-and don't get me started on this!)

Anyway, great ride Tuesday night at Round Valley. Though I was planning to do an out-and-back (which would be about 3/4 of the way around the lake, then turning around and doing the singletrack again) but decided at the turnaround point that I'd run out of time, so I completed the loop around the lake via Mountain Road. My total ride was 12 or so miles in 1:30.

Dinner was leftover pizza plus a little bit of that pasta & tuna, then I went to Which Brew while the laundry was drying. I want to do a fund-raising event there for PPRAC, and went down to maybe talk to Kelly-Jo about it, but she wasn't in. Supposedly she'll be there tonight, and so that's where I'll be as well, after the gym.

Last night was yoga, then the last of the pork tenderloin, with sauerkraut and a salad. (I also posted some photos at flickr.) Tonight will be a gym workout, more pasta, and a short pit stop at the WB.


Anonymous said...

You bicyclists are "rough riders"!

Your blog is public. Don't you think you should use discretion when blasting a pol.?

Don said...

This is still America, last I checked.