Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Scagnetti On Scagnetti

Morning weigh-in: 166#, 9.5% BF
How you gonna kick it? Gym last night. I didn't go light but I did skip the legs, and I did a few other non-standard things, in the hope that a change would be as good as a rest. I hit Taco Hell (kept to the lesser evils there), then bought a bunch of food. I have a pot roast cooking for tonight, with a few experimental features: instead of potatoes I went with turnips and celery root (I think that's what it was). Carrots, onions, leeks, gonna kick it root crop...
Still tired, still with the crazy dreams. Tonight is yoga, then dinner, chores, and an early bedtime -- my biggest current problem, other than not having an actual rest day in the mix, is my recent habit of firing up the computer "just for a few minutes" at the end of the evening. Well the internets can wait a day or two, and so can the Leslie matrices; I want to get the house cleaned up a bit for the weekend, and after that it's straight to bed, tonight and tomorrow night too.
I saw something about Mary Steenbergen last night, which reminded me of What's Eating Gilbert Grape? and from there, that got me thinking about good old Juliette Lewis. (She was totally the "it girl" of the early nineties, and was a major tool in the recuperation of the Lollapalooza icons, but I digress...) I must have been dreaming about Natural Born Killers (1994, co-starring Juliette Lewis), because when I woke up this morning the phrase "Scagnetti on Scagnetti" was going through my head.
Beer Muscle Weekend: I first saw Natural Born Killers in maybe 1996 or so, on cable while on a skiing weekend with my neighbor "Crazy Joe" McK and his co-workers. (Big corporate animal-testing facility sponsored a bus trip to Whiteface, Joe & his buds were the employees that tended the animals, cleaned the cages etc. Joe sometimes would bring home rats to keep as pets, and set them free in the backyard, where they no doubt got beat up by the city rats, and eventually eaten.) I remember those guys gossiping about one dude who couldn't make the trip: he tried to steal a monkey by sticking it under his shirt, the thing tore him apart and he got caught/hospitalized. Thinking about it now, they remind me of the prison guards in Maus. Several were good skiiers (like Joe), but I remember they spent most of their time drinking, even on the slopes.
Avalon, heteronormative mystical mondegreen: Been listening to the Chemical Brothers lately, mainly because I found the CD lying around... One song I've always liked, but a closer listen changed everything -- I thought the refrain was:
Avalon! Avalon!
Blah de blah da blah da, yada dada da da...
(The actual lyrics can be found here.) I thought that literally for years, and it was part of why liked the song... I guess I can't really call the new lyrics "heteronormative" though, it sounds like a girl singing.


Anonymous said...

PM computering is dangerous!
Can't stop! can't sleep!

Don said...

Guess who blew off cleaning for "just a few minutes" in front of the machine tonight...