Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Insects And Cobwebs

Morning weigh-in: 167.5#, 9.5% BF
Is that you, Shaun Ryder? Wow I had a dream about this last night, must have heard it on the news or somewhere & not realized. (I was at work in my dream, and I told my co-worker, who happened to be George Bush, that I had the President's cell number. I then told him what the number was, and he crank-called it -- using my phone.)
Busy evening: I dropped off the rental car and picked up my dry cleaning, each within minutes of the place closing, and then I went to the gym. Dinner unfortunately was Taco Bell, but I got two (relatively) healthy 7-Layer Burritos instead of the usual ground beef calorie fest. After dinner I cleaned the old car. I still have to take the roof rack off -- it was almost midnight when I got to it last night, and I was just too tired -- but it should be ready for sale/junking by tonight.
Finger Exercise: Working my way through the first and thinner of those two bio-math texts. I've been basically bouncing back and forth between Chapter 1 (insect populations, types of competition, and stability analysis of the population size), and Appendix A ( ie "the math you need for Chapter 1"). Very information dense; the second, larger book seems much more conversational in tone, though I've only looked at the introduction so far.


Anonymous said...

Don you should be in a think tank or research facility.

Don said...

Keep in mind that this is a "just for fun" project, and basically what I'm doing is the exercises in a college math book.