Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Hemo The Magnificent

Morning weigh-in: 180#, 10.5% BF

I was thinking yesterday about educational films I saw as a kid in school, and especially remembering a series that featured a professor and his sidekick interacting with various cartoon characters. I googled "blood," "sea water" and "professor" yesterday, and found these Amazon reviews. I guess I wasn't the only one who remembered that most famous exchange between Dr. Fred Baxter and Hemo The Magnificent...

Blood On Fire: Blew off yoga yesterday: it was so nice out I did a towpath ride, 22 miles in 1:34 for an average of about 14 mph. Not bad, but I have to remove maybe 15 minutes from that time to make it really respectable. (Tonight is back to yoga, the class I blew off last week.)

After the ride I met Brian for Mug Club Night at Which Brew. Haven't talked to him much lately, so we played catch-up: he had his last speed-skating practice the other day, and is off for Spring Break but is redoing his garage or something, no real "sleep-away" vacation. He returned The Road, which I loaned to him a few months ago.

My friend Doug once commented that I became much nicer and more personable once I stopped racing regularly, and training for all that racing (this was a while ago). I took this to mean that I was more easy-going once I stopped obsessing over race results and training regimens, and became more flexible with my time, more likely to just do regular rides or go out for a beer. Brian and I were talking about routines, and I think I caught him by surprise by saying my life had more of a routine in the Nineties than now -- my routines fitted his at the time, so they were probably less visible to him -- but really the structure in my life right now is only an attempt to force a return to the rhythm that my days, and years, followed back then. You know, back when I was less pleasant...

The struggle seems to be going my way though lately, and bringing some success (and success is is what drove my earlier obsessions), so it was a little bittersweet when Which Brew friends last night started asking "Where have you been? We haven't seen you in a while..."


Anonymous said...

I posted yesterday and now it's gone (?)

Don said...

Don't know what's going on... what did you post?

Anonymous said...

Can't remember!
Basically wished you good trip & BD & congrats on low wt & how you inspired me to get at it again (gym & pool)
Are you coming Easter? I don't think so but I want to be sure.
Patrick's not coming & there are no plans as of yet.
Have good weekend!

Don said...

Thanks on all the congrats! God luck yourself. By the way, I don't think I can swing a trip down this weekend.