Sunday, October 29, 2006

A Big Breezy Day

Which Witch?
Originally uploaded by donXfive.
Pretty fun weekend, highlight being the big Halloween party at Which Brew (photo is of Lori P with WB owner Kelly-Jo). I went as a pirate; Doug went as "me." Not going to mention who else was there since, well, who wasn't? Awesome night...

Today was emergency trail maintenance at Sals, lucky break that daylight savings ended but it was stll hard to get up this morning. We had to build "choke points" on the trails to keep out ATV's, which means piling up rocks and logs to block the trail, leaving only enough room for a bike to be able to get through. The piles have to be pretty big or the ATV's can get over them, and they have to be made of fairly heavy rocks and logs or they'll get moved -- that translates into some fairly hard work. We brought bikes for afterward but no one rode, we were whooped.

Incredibly windy day, kind of scary watching the trees whip around, which got worse when Eric decided to cut down a few dead ones...

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