Thursday, March 05, 2009

Today In History

Morning weigh-in: 177#, 11% BF
Happy 45th Birthday to my brother Kevin! Today is also the anniversary of the Boston Massacre, and the third anniversary of my ankle incident.
Not sure what's going on, but my skin is all itchy lately, I'm getting nosebleeds (at least at work), I'm tired all the time and have had to skip several workouts this week, and that sudden jump in weight, wow. The first two I could ascribe to low humidity coming in with this cold snap, but I'm not sure about the  others -- except, I've been using cortisone again, hmmmm...
Weekend Recap: Anne and I got in a good ride with Doug on Saturday, mellow and fun despite the cold & wind, then Sunday (when we were supposed to go for a long Genesis-sponsored road ride, but blew it off because of the impending weather -- and it got canceled too, probably for the same reason) we went for an afternoon hike at Sals, probably got in a good 8 miles total while I did some more mapping. Saturday night was Porters, and Sunday night was Brew Works.
We hardly got anything from Monday's snowstorm, but there was enough on the ground to do some XC skiing on the towpath.
Spin Crash: Tuesday night is when it all fell apart. I went into the basement to do the interval workout I'd postponed from Monday, but after warming up I hit the gas and nothing happened: my heart rate would not rise into the workout zone, so I bagged the first interval, then I was so tired I couldn't even just sit and spin -- I bagged the whole thing, did a cooldown and was off the bike within 20 minutes of starting.
Last night was also a wash, but maybe not so bad: I blew off yoga to do a Sals ride, but first had to fuss with my bike shoes (I need to install new cleats and tried to get the old ones off last night, but the bolts are basically welded in place). After an hour of messing around I gave up, then decided I really didn't want to ride at all, even with the old cleats. I spent the rest of the night re-installing Google Earth and playing with some Sals maps.
Tonight is the gym, unless I locate some new bike shoes to go purchase.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you just need a rest.
How's your blood pressure?
HBP is on both sides of your family genetics.
Cut down on salty foods.
This coming weekend will be very pleasant weather wise.
I'm sure you'll have some nice riding if you can get those new cleats.
Nosebleeds are bothersome & a bit scarey.
I always used cotton with vaseline to try and stop them. That kind of "sealed" up the site. I had so many when I was around your age.
Don't blow nose hard esp after a bleed. It's difficult if your nose/sinuses are stuffy.
No more advice, I promise.

Don said...

Not to worry Mom, blood pressure is fine, even a little on the low side. Nosebleeds are not so much gushers as "evidence seen in the hankerchied," if you don't mind a little TMI.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it.