Wednesday, January 16, 2008

All's Right With My Boring World

Morning weigh-in: 167#, 9.5% BF
Gym last night, then dinner (leftovers: pasta w/ tuna & wilted greens, and some tomato & bean stew), reading & 'puter, food shopping, then I prepared my "midnight chili" -- so named because that's when I finished prepping it -- and crashed. Today I set the crock pot to cooking before I left for work; it should be ready for tonight's Chain Gang meeting (where I'm no longer Preznit, but I am the new secretary), and of course the house should smell chililicious when I get home... Not much else is going on with me. Been downloading some more music, and doing a lot of reading (duh). I may do singlespeed sprints after the meeting tonight, or maybe just some yoga before bed.
This is news? My old neighbor might not agree, but I could have told you this.
Reading: Wilhelm Reich made his name in Europe, back in the 1920's-1930's or so, with his psychoanalytic approach to political/cultural studies, so I guess it's not surprising to see his name pop up in Male Fantasies -- granted, it's mostly because the author disagrees with him. Still, it's kind of a weird synchronicity as I read A Book of Dreams, where author Peter Reich (Wilhelm's son) is currently watching old home movies with some European documentary makers, about 10 years after his father's death. The matrix population modeling continues apace, but so far there's no connections to the other things I'm reading.


Anonymous said...

Clowns creep me out too; even store Santas do also.

They're hiding & look unpredictable.

I freaked out when first visiting you after your car & bike accident.
Your neighbor just casually dropped in unannounced in full clown attire!
There a "heady" power behind the mask- I've felt it when dressed as a Carribean (?) limbo dancer, riling the crowd to do "the crouch"
It's not really you- it's a whole different persona.

Don said...

I remember that! Head spinning, recovering from concussion/coma, and he started pulling rubber chickens ut of his pockets while you & Dad stood there aghast.. Dan & Wilma have since moved away (long & sad story), but I remember he never "got" that people were freaked out by clowns nowadays.