Monday, December 04, 2006

Snow Squall

Morning weigh-in: 184.5#, 13% BF

First snowfall for the season this morning, a squall that blew through around 10:00 AM. No accumulation, just wind and flurries for about fifteen minutes and it's been pretty clear ever since.

Had a pretty good weekend, with one exception...

Skipped the towpath ride Friday night (that's not the exception), rain and especially lightning gave me the excuse for an unscheduled rest day. Went to Which Brew, caught Post Junction but I left early and was in bed by say 11:00.

Saturday I got up early and went to 8:00 AM "mixed level" ("some previous experience strongly recommended") yoga class, which was a quantum leap up, in pace and intensity, from the beginner classes I'd been taking. I knew what to do (for the most part -- I skipped the headstands), or could fake it by watching my neighbors, but this class was way more of a workout than any I'd done yet. It felt great, actually, and the experiment was such a success that I'll probably be incorporating this class into my Saturday routine.

After that was breakfast at the coffee shop, then the gym, where I felt I did well despite the earlier workout, then chores and a nap. I met friends for dinner at Cactus Blue (awesome time) then went to Which Brew. Awesome time there too, and Joe G showed up and we were actually having a pretty good time -- until he decided to pick a fight with another friend. Shit mist sprayed over the whole evening, nice move wacko.

Saw him the next morning at the Sunday trailwork session at Sals (he was hiking with his dog, not there to help of course) and was all like "whatever." Yeah, "whatever" back at ya, thank God I don't have to deal with him on a regular basis anymore, or be the one who has to apologize for him...

Good solid day of trail maintenance though, we got a lot done, then went for a nice ride (hard, and I was dogging it), and I went home to another nap.


Anonymous said...

SECOND ONE HERE! Trying again, since I still don't see my comment.

So, what's Joe G's problem. I thought he was living the life he chose for why the anger and hostility?

Your site looks good. Still enjoy your pix. Now, either this won't show up.........OR I'll eventually see duplicates of all the comments I tried to post and feel like an ass.


Don said...

You're coming through now!

Joe's problem may properly be termed medical.

Anonymous said...

If it's truly medical, why doesn't he seek proper help? Surely, his "run-in's" should prove to him he needs it.


Don said...

His refusal to seek help -- what if that's medical too?

Anonymous said...

Well, then I guess he's doomed to continue living life the way he is. What a waste. Too bad.
